Seems like just yesterday she was still in my tummy! Last year this time I was still pregnant with her. Now she's 19 weeks, almost 5 months na! She was so tiny when she came out, now she's not tiny anymore (she's not big din LOL). I can't get enough of this cute little dumpling!! How I wish I can be a stay-at-home-mom soon so I can get to spend a lot of time with her!
Y at 16 weeks |
I love that she's such a happy baby! She now smiles a lot, laughs when we clown ourselves in front of her, knows how to put her fingers in her mouth (obviously), curious with her surroundings, likes to hold things and feel its textures, coos a lot when you talk to her likes she understands and answers back with lots of coos! So cute!
Y, please don't grow up so fast. Mommy and Papa can't catch up. I wish you could stay a baby forever but I'm also excited to see you grow up and walk and talk and have tantrums LOL!
I love you, my little dumpling!
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