Tick-Tock, I'm Almost About to Pop!

Thursday, June 7, 2012

In about a week, I'll be giving birth to our baby boy, R. Excited? YES! Scared? YES! It has been a great pregnancy, just like my first, except the morning sickness and throwing up during the first trimester, but other than that, everything's GREAT!

Y will be an achi na next week. I don't know how she'll react when she sees the baby. I will surely miss spending time with her as I have to take care of the baby and nurse on demand. The Terrible Twos is really kicking in in high gear for Y, but we'll manage, I hope. Or I'll go crazier!

We're still yayaless. I already interviewed a potential one over the phone. I liked her, the only problem is I can't give her the same pay as her last employer. It's way over the budget :( I'm still hoping she'll somehow accept the job.

Hmm.. our house is still a mess. I won't go into details. Thinking about it is making me stressed. Hehe.. I hope by the weekend, some things would be more organized already. Still need to clean and wash the playard for the baby. I have yet to pack my hospital bag too!

Everything is overwhelming! The anticipated arrival of baby R, Y's reaction to her new baby brother plus the chaos it would cause, I really don't know what's going to happen once we're in the house! Exciting and crazy times!


  1. wow! advance congratulations...hey take it one step at a time... you could do it... :D

  2. applesanddumplingsJune 8, 2012 at 10:15 AM

    Thanks!!! :)
