Mommy Finds: Cuzo Carla Foldable Tote

Thursday, July 26, 2012

I've been looking for a nice bag that's roomy and fashionable that can double as a baby bag. I've been wanting a Dwell Studio Madison Bag but it's out of the budget right now so I have to find a more affordable one.
Sometimes, I use my Michael Kors canvas bag but it's a bit big and it has no shape. Sometimes it's hard to find what you need inside the bag.
I first saw this at Shop Crazy. I badly want a new bag so I went retail therapy at Zalora at bought this.

It is about the same size of a Longchamp medium sized tote. It's made of nylon with leather trims and straps and it's lightweight!
It has a top handle and a removable body strap! Mommy approved!

I used this the first time two weeks ago to a shoot (Naks! Will post more of that!) and since I'm bringing the baby with me and no yaya yet, I put his stuff in my bag. (Y's stuff is in her own diaper bag which the yaya carries).
What's inside: changing pad; Manila Baby Shop's wet bag where I put R's extra clothes, diapers, and wipes; notebook; Dwell Studio pouch for my wallet, phone, and keys 

See?! It's roomy enough to put more stuff in it! This is really a great buy! I can also use this for work or a day out with my friends. It's a very versatile bag and for only Php1,500.

I really really love my Cuzo bag!

For more of Cuzo bags, check their FB and Twitter!

*This is not a sponsored post

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