Countdown Back To Work

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

My maternity leave is about to end in less than week. I feel so sad that it's ending. 24/7 with the BOS and kids? Who wouldn't want that?!

The last two months was great! It's like giving me a peek of what's it like to be a SAHM/WAHM. I get to see Y and R all day and get to be hands on with them. I can go to events on weekdays without having to file a leave or cancel because I can't go and still get home early and spend time with my family. I blog more and I will surely miss being on Twitter 24/7 hihi!

And I will miss seeing these everyday...
The very makulit toddler
Milk drunk every time I feed R. SO PRECIOUS!

Can't say I'm happy that I'm going back to work. Going back to the daily grind means waking up early again, driving myself to and from work, pumping 4 times a day... Oh well. This is life.

Just thinking about it makes me miss my babies and BOS already!

6 days to go...

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